Monitor your suppliers' ESG data entry status in one stop
With TERRAST for Management, you can view a summary of your suppliers' ESG data entry status and understand the specifics of their submissions in real time.
This enhances the efficiency and accuracy of your ESG data collection process.

Automatically aggregate and visualize supplier ESG data across various dimensions
TERRAST for Enterprise (T4E) automatically aggregates your company’s ESG data and visualizes it on a dashboard by location or branch unit.
It also enables instant verification of overall ESG data disclosure rates and scoring completion, streamlining the collection, management, and monitoring of ESG data.

Digitize and enhance the distribution and aggregation of sustainable procurement surveys
T4E is equipped with the Sustainability Data Standardization Council (SDSC)'s ESG guideline items, contributing to the standardization of sustainable procurement survey questions. Moreover, it is possible to integrate existing sustainable procurement and human rights surveys into T4E. Your company's unique survey questions can also be implemented digitally."
This translation highlights the technological advancements and customization features of T4E, effectively communicating its benefits to prospective users.

Download aggregated results in bulk for analyzing and improving supplier performance
With T4M, you can download aggregated supplier ESG information as Excel data in bulk. The downloaded data can be used for internal reporting and strategic planning, facilitating smoother information sharing across departments."
This translation emphasizes the practical applications and benefits of using T4M for organizational efficiency and data-driven decision-making

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