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One-stop for ESG data aggregation, visualization, and implementation in management

Including frameworks like CSRD and SSBJ, from global consolidated disclosure compliance to portfolio management for financial institutions, TERRAST for Enterprise (T4E) and TERRAST for Management (T4M) provide robust support for the digital transformation (DX) of your company's ESG-related operations.


Challenges on ESG data management

Distribution Warehouse with High Shelves


Challenges in procurement departments managing supply chains

  • Spending significant time and effort on survey form aggregation

  • Ineffective in analyzing and utilizing collected survey data

  • Only able to deploy to a subset of suppliers, creating challenges

  • Desiring to standardize due to independently created and managed survey forms



Challenges in corporate headquarters managing ESG data for the entire group

  • Time-consuming verification and revisions due to varying formats among consolidated subsidiaries

  • Difficulties in integrative data aggregation, requiring extensive effort for report creation

  • Frameworks like CSRD extraterritorial requirements, SSBJ standards, and third-party assurances, the organization is exploring the adoption of a rational and user-friendly system.

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Challenges for financial institutions evaluating lending companies

  • Inefficient data collection flow from client companies, making it difficult to gather necessary information

  • Searching for an easy-to-use ESG data aggregation tool for small and medium enterprises

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Streamline management processes with our one-stop solution

TERRAST for Enterprise (T4E) ・TERRAST for Management (T4M)


Easily handle non-financial data and centralize ESG information across subsidiaries and financial partners for streamlined operations


Efficiently consolidate non-financial data from business partners and centrally manage ESG information for subsidiaries and lending targets

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How TERRAST products can do for you


Streamline Your Company's ESG Data Aggregation

T4E is a DX tool tailored for consolidating and visualizing your company’s ESG data. It integrates E, S, and G data, which are managed and retained in different ways, across all subsidiaries and locations. This tool supports efficient and rational data aggregation, facilitating compliance with reporting standards like CSRD and SSBJ.



Visualizing ESG Scores

T4E allows you to generate score reports by comparing entered data with industry data. Visualize your company's ESG efforts and use this as a communication tool for understanding and improving the ESG status of subsidiaries and suppliers.



Data Submission and Integration

Aggregate ESG information can be linked and integrated for parent companies, procurement departments, and banks. This facilitates responses to data requests and can enhance evaluations.


Case Study

Industry Challenges & Solutions

For Major manufacturing company(Disclose ESG Data on a Consolidated), Bank, Corporate Financial and Non-financial Analysis

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Case Study 1

Major manufacturing company

​(Disclose ESG Data on a Consolidated

Case Study 4

Major Energy company

​(Manage ESG Data on global consolidated basis

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Case Study 2

Major Retail Company

​(Quantification of Human Capital Management

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Case Study 3

Regional Financial Institution


Contact Us

For more details about our services, demos, and inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

We constantly improve the product and expand the data coverage, functions, and collaborations to serve more clients in other regions. So it is very welcome to hear your feedback.

Please feel free to drop us your message.

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